Being A Woman : Miss Nations

1) What is the essence of being a Woman?

 Just being a woman is God's gift that all of us must appreciate. The origin of a child is a Mother and a Mother is a Woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring and loving is all about. That is the essence of a Woman

2) Which Profession according to you, deserves the highest Salary and Why?
 A Mother deserves the highest respect. And when you talk about Salary... i do not think it is all about cash but i feel it is the Love and respect that you give someone. All mothers, they just sacrifice too much for their kids so the profession which deserves the highest salary, the highest respect and love should be of a Mother.

 These are answer from past Queens and we do hope this inspires someone. Miss Nations is a beauty contest for women in which women from many countries compete to be selected as the most beautiful.

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